Just Stop. The Left’s Propaganda Machine Keeps Pretending Dr. Fauci Is a Hero When He’s the Exact Opposite

Stephen Colbert is really is beneath contempt. His late night show proudly promoted the guest appearance of Anthony Fauci last week, which is roughly the equivalent of cheering for the Sackler family. This is one of the subtle ways—not so subtle, really—that the media pimps for Democrats and the party’s agenda (“The Government knows best, proles!”) Colbert only has guests that align with the Axis; Nancy Pelosi was another recent guest, and the producers obviously have no interest in presenting anyone who isn’t fully part of the “team.” They also don’t have any interest in entertaining audience members who, having paid attention and having not been brainwashed, know the likes of Pelosi and Fauci for what they are.

Fauci, however, is a far more nauseating and unforgivable object of fawning idolatry than even Pelosi. He’s a certifiable, no-contest ethics villain: incompetent, irresponsible, dishonest, hypocritical, an abuser of power, position and influence, and the perfect poster boy for the fake “Trust the science!” mantra that the Left has weaponized for political gain.

His latest unmasking was in an interview yesterday when he finally reversed himself and conceded that shutting down schools for more than a year as part of the pandemic freakout was a “mistake.” “Keeping it for a year was not a good idea,” the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases told “CBS Mornings” co-host Tony Dokoupil while peddling his new memoir “On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service.” (I recommend that you purchase my latest book, “Sock Drawer! Adventures Among the Argyles” first.)

“So, that was a mistake in retrospect?” Dokoupil asked. “We will not repeat it?” “Absolutely, yeah,” Fauci responded.

Fauci had previously insisted that the CDC’s recommendations that closed down classrooms, forced kids into inferior remote learning modes, made parents stay home from work and helped cripple the economy was the correct one in sworn congressional testimony and comments to the press. But if there is one thing Fauci is a master of, it’s flip-flopping—that, and pretending that shot-in-the-dark guesses are “science.”

During the summer of 2020, Fauci argued with former President Donald Trump on the issue, citing CDC guidelines—Science!— that forced the closures. Naturally, the measures were eagerly embraced by the teachers unions, and the predictable “Think of the Children!” mania did the rest. “I disagree with @CDCgov on their very tough & expensive guidelines for opening schools. While they want them open, they are asking schools to do very impractical things. I will be meeting with them!!!” Trump posted on Twitter July 8, 2020.

Yeah, what does the President know? He won’t even wear a mask and he told people to try injecting themselves with bleach…

The guidelines Fauci pushed in 2020 told schools that they had to install expensive air filtration systems and rearrange desks and chairs to enforce “social distancing” requirements if they were even going to consider re-opening. Neither had any basis in research or clinical studies at all regarding the Wuhan virus. The school closings handicapped the social and educational development of a generation, increased childhood obesity and depression, and according to some studies, caused more deaths than they prevented. In Reason Magazine, Pamela Hobart wrote, “Closing schools to protect kids made them sick. Children forced to Zoom into school ended up with suboptimal immune systems—the opposite of herd immunity” and as a result, children later suffered more from things like hand, foot, and mouth disease, and respiratory syncytial virus. She explains, “Isolation does not put your immune system on pause; sometimes immunity follows a ‘use it or lose it’ rule. While they were Zooming in to school, children with existing partial immunity to endemic contagious diseases missed many opportunities to be exposed again, which would have refreshed their immune systems. We ended up with the opposite of herd immunity: a bunch of kids with suboptimal immune systems.” School closings, she reveals, were followed by an “unprecedented, counterseasonal surge in communicable illnesses.”

Yeah, I’d say it was a mistake! How noble of Fauci to finally admit it, four years too late. I’ll be fair: Fauci was in a difficult position, but his certitude and dishonest claims that he and the CDC were basing their edicts on science rather than guesswork was deliberately deceptive and should not be excused because he was doing what he thought was right and had the best intentions. His conclusions were flawed, he was not transparent to the public or the news media, his mistakes caused incalculable harm to the nation, and yet he has basked in undeserved celebrity for being bad at his job and failing the nation. Okay, it was a tough job, but we typically don’t lionize failures, and decent, ethical failures don’t accept praise when they don’t deserve any.

Somehow, the nagging thought keeps occurring to me that the reason Democratic Party operatives like Colbert celebrate Fauci is because his fake science wrecked the economy and helped stop Trump’s reelection. Fauci’s sickening grin—he’s so cute!—is redolent of Harry Reid’s reptilian smirk when he justified his lies about Mitt Romeny during the 2012 campaign by saying, “Romney lost, didn’t he?”

I’m sure that’s unfair of me. Well, it might be unfair. Maybe there’s a chance it’s unfair.

7 thoughts on “Just Stop. The Left’s Propaganda Machine Keeps Pretending Dr. Fauci Is a Hero When He’s the Exact Opposite

  1. In the end all we really had to do is follow normal hygienic procedures. Wash your hands, cover your coughs and sneezes, stay home if you are ill. I learned those in grade school.

    What we did do was isolate the healthy, made up numbers and distances for “safety” reasons, denied natural immunity, inject millions with untested elements that proved to be ineffective in preventing furthur infection.

    And above all pardoned the guilty and punished the innocent.

  2. Minor point–I took a gander at Colbert’s guest list, thinking–surely there must be SOME conservatives on. And while he has had figures like Cruz and Trump on as guests, that’s all in the distant past. The last three years–I couldn’t find a single conservative political or media figure (I was moving fast, so might have missed one or two). By contrast, just endless appearances by left wingers and Democrats. It is of course legal for a show to do that, and it mirrors Fox, of which I said long ago that if you are a Democrat or liberal on Fox, at least one of three things is true–you are so inarticulate and stupid that they use you to make your side look awful, you are so extreme that they do the same, or you are a liberal who has turned to conservatism on at least one or several key points (Gabbard, etc). It also helps if you are physically ugly, but after Barney Frank destroyed O’Reilly, they realized smart ugly people can be very effective on television and he didn’t come back. Regardless–the point you make about Colbert is accurate, and sad. That show should be welcoming to the mainstream right and left, and even include the fringes from time to time. Until I checked, I just assumed Colbert was doing that.

  3. Prior to the pandemic President Trump and the USA were flying high.

    • Strong economy
    • US free of dependence on foreign oil
    • Low prices at the pump
    • Russia and Hamas were not in a shooting war with their neighbors.
    • Hong Kong was protesting for freedom. The protesters were aligning themselves with the US.
    • President Trump was pushing back hard against China’s dominance in world markets and China’s increased global influence.
    • President Trump appeared to be unstoppable in obtaining a second term
    • President Trump and Hong Kong protesters were presenting an existential threat to Communist China Leadership
    • President Trump was turning out to be an existential threat to US politicians and the business-as-usual players.

    All of a sudden, people in China and elsewhere were getting sick and dying from a new virus.

    • Not much information was coming out of China.
    • The province containing the Wuhan Virus Research Lab was quarantined—no one in or out.
    • China quickly linked the source of the virus to a wet market in Wuhan.
    • China locks down residents in their homes.
    • China erects massive field hospitals.
    • Chinese physicians who initially raised a warning about this new virus seem to have disappeared.
    • With all the lockdowns occurring in China, the government does not limit international travel.
    • Fauci goes on television stating “Nothing to worry about in this country (pause) yet.
    • Fauci goes on television stating masks do very little to protect the wearer.
    • Fauci and Sen. Paul argue back and forth on what gain of function work is and whether the CDC under Fauci funded that type of research in the Wuhan Lab.
    • Pandemics in the past primarily quarantined the sick, not the healthy.

     What was the result of the pandemic and the unproven quarantine, masking, and social distancing measures?

    • President Trump was removed as an existential threat to China, the Democrats, and the business-as-usual cabal.
    • Hong Kong protesters were removed as an existential threat to China.
    • Thousands of US businesses closed permanently
    • USA GDP to Debt Ratio Q2-2019: 103% Q2-2020 133%
    • USA cumulative inflation 18.3% increase
    • Sweden, which did not participate in the ‘lockdown everything approach’ suffered none of the negative lockdown effects with an insignificantly higher death rate.
    • The pandemic came at a convenient time for China, the Democrats, and the business-as-usual cabal. Talk about great Karma.
  4. I’m just about ready to conclude epidemiology is not a science at all. It’s certainly not a medical science. I think it’s just people reviewing random data points and making wild ass predictions. Pathetic.

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