The Ethics Alarms Heroes’ Hall Of Honor

Americans have an obligation as well as a need to remember and recognize heroes, the often anonymous and unknown people we may pass in the street every day, as well as the justly famous and celebrated, who make our lives and many others better by living their own selflessly and well. They are our salvation, role models and neighbors, and they teach us the lesson that all is never lost, and hope is always thriving, as long as there are good and courageous people who will do the right thing, no matter what the cost, when fate turns to them.

The Ethics Alarms Heroes Hall of Honor is made up of the names of those this website has designated an Ethics Hero Emeritus.  Every  member of the Hall is now deceased, each life here teaches how human beings can rise above the vicissitudes of mere survival, self-interest, personal benefits and the base desires of the species  to live meaningful and virtuous lives. Some accomplished this over decades, some with one brilliant and transforming act of distinction.

There are currently 44 members enshrined in this virtual Hall. Obviously, it is far from complete. They are just symbolic representatives, worthy ones, of millions more who once breathed the same air we do today. Each one of us, I believe, is capable of emulating their example.

Here are the forty four members and their stories, as of this date,

July 28, 2020.

Sir Edmund Hillary

Virginia Hall

Desmond Doss

Henri Salmide

Albert Göring

Willie Reed

Bob Fletcher

Jean Stapleton

Annette Funicello

Canada Lee

Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist-Schmenzin

Jack McDonald

Stan Musial

Charles Durning

Russell Means

Eric Lomax

Harry Philo

Jackie Robinson

Dennis P. Weichel Jr.

Rushworth Kidder

James Q. Wilson

Roger Boisjoly

Christopher Hitchens

Stetson Kennedy

Mike Flanagan

Marlene Dietrich

Phoebe Snow

Dorothy Young

Elizabeth Taylor

Sparky Anderson

Lena Horne

Robert M. McElwaine

Miep Gies

Lester Rodney

Sister Antonia Brenner

Jack Marshall, Sr.

Reubin Askew

John Dickinson

Edna Gladney

Irena Sendler

Sir Nicholas Winton

 Roddie W. Edmonds

Eugene M. Lang

2 thoughts on “The Ethics Alarms Heroes’ Hall Of Honor

  1. I discovered your website today, spending the last 3 hours reading two articles (after the one explaining the comment policies): The Presidents’ Day and The Ethics Alarm Hall of Fame biographies. Each brought me to tears, along with good smiles, and a bit of hardy laughter as I read the author’s comments (which mirrored many of my own). Until today, I have not subscribed to a “blog” site, but your commentary has broken that barrier. I look forward to many future hours of reading thoughtful, concise words, which explain, whether I agree or not, current efforts in today’s world and which reflect history of nations and peoples. I’ll reference Mr. Lincoln’s speech about the power and danger of mob rule often in the coming months as elections come and go, but not much seems to change.

    thanks much for your site. You’ve made a fan!

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