I’m Baaaaack! (Here’s What Happened…)

For now, this will have to be just a quick note and an apology. Shortly before noon on Friday, I was writing a course summary for a monthly professionalism program I’ll be doing for lawyers next year when, literally out of a clear blue sky, lightening struck so near to our home in Alexandria that the house shook. Scared the hell out of me.

The crash was accompanied by a loud “snap” sound, and my computer screen went black. The internet modem also went dead: it was fried, and had to be replaced. I couldn’t start my PC (my laptop died a while ago, and I’ve been saving up to replace that). Comcast arrived to replace the modem Saturday afternoon, but the computer took longer: a part was damaged by the strike, and my son just installed the replacement. Fortunately, I didn’t lose any data.

This is the first time I’ve been online since Friday, and I obviously have a lot of catching up to do. I’m just thrilled I can get even a non-substantive post up today, so only one day was missed entirely.


  • Many thanks to commenter E2. She knows my sister, and my sister passed along my disaster to her while relaying my request that she let everyone know that I wasn’t dead.
  • I’m so sorry.
  • Live every day to its fullest, because if a bolt of lightning can come out of a clear blue sky and fry my computer…well, you know the rest.
  • Thanks to everyone who added quality content here while I was frozen out. (Did any banned commenters take advantage of the sheriff being out of town? I guess I’ll find out soon enough.

16 thoughts on “I’m Baaaaack! (Here’s What Happened…)

  1. This makes me thankful that a few months ago I became aware that our power company had a program to put a surge protector at your meter — there is a nominal monthly fee, but then they also give you a guarantee against damage due to a surge. If I recall correctly, most appliances are covered and computers are covered up to $1000.
    It’s not unusual around here for us to lose power during a thunderstorm, so this is a welcome program.

  2. Of all the places and times for lightning to strike it had to pick right there, right then. I am glad for the update. I just figured that it was a health issue and wasn’t going to say or do anything until it was resolved.

    • Definitely not peaceful, but I quickly defaulted to old friend and pedant Tom Fuller’s motto, “If you have no options, you have no problem.” I actually have several huge problems…a course tomorrow I needed to prep for, two Friday deadlines missed, a looming trial where I am an expert—all of which could have generated emails that I was missing, and had to wait for. I also was stressed about losing a data I couldn’t replace and adding a new PC to the homes and business expenses that have piled up since ProEthics lost about 75% of its regular clients thank to the pandemic lockdown. To a ridiculous extent, I also worried about Ethics Alarms—the whole last week was alarmingly dead already.

      But…and I know this is silly…the Red Sox went into the All-Star game break after sweeping three games from the poor Oakland As, with the team playing hot and Fenway fans going nuts. And I could watch all the games without feeling guilty that I should have been doing something productive. That was wonderful.

  3. I’m glad you’re ok. A surge protector might not have even saved you, but it sounds like you don’t have to replace your kitchen appliances too so that’s good.

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