Unethical Quote of the Month: President Joe Biden (Alternate Headline: “What a Shameless Asshole!”)

“We must face a simple truth.To protect America as a land that welcomes immigrants, we must first secure the border and secure it now.”

—President Biden, outrageously adopting Donald Trump’s long-standing position that he party has condemned as racist and “xenophobic” because his poll numbers are looking bad.

Seldom has the “Die Hard” clip (from the Ethics Alarms Hollywood Clip Archive) been more appropriate or infuriating. For more than three years, Joe Biden’s administration deliberately signaled to aspiring alien lawbreakers that they would be wink-winked into the United States despite defying immigration laws, let free to run amuck if that’s what they chose to do, and law enforcement would look the other way. Officials like Kamala Harris and Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas gaslighted the public by insisting the border was secure when anyone with eyes or a camera could see it was anything but. An estimated 2.5 illegals have entered the country across this “secure border.” Awakening to the reality that the majority of the American public doesn’t view that as “a Great Replacement Conspiracy,” but simply as incompetent, irresponsible, dangerous and wrong—you know, like Donald Trump said in 2015 as he launched his (quixotic, everyone thought) candidacy for the Presidency and was tarred as a racist for it?—suddenly, Mirabile Dictu!, Biden is singing a different metaphorical tune.

So, yesterday, Biden issued an executive order that prevents migrants from seeking asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border, the most restrictive border policy instituted by any modern Democrat President, because all of them have been enablers of illegal immigration, and proud of it.

Assholeassholeassholeassholeasshole. I hate to be blunt and vulgar, but this is beyond disgusting. I’ve been searching for anything besides his office to justify respecting Joe Biden, but there goes integrity and having the courage of his convictions right out the window. At least Donald Trump won’t flip-flop on his most fervent positions just to win an election.

How stupid does Biden think, to the extent that he can think, the American public is? Awfully stupid, apparently, and based on what I’ve seen over the past decade, he might even be right. Just stupid and gullible enough to believe Biden suddenly discovered this “simple truth.” If it was so simple, why did it take him all this time to figure it out? (Maybe its that darn boyhood stutter!) What an insulting, cynical, indefensible thing to say now. This shows us the full character of the man, which is that he has no character at all.

Upon reflection, I think the alternate headline is more appropriate. Biden deserves to lose. He deserves to be rejected and humiliated along with the party and its captive news media that foisted this failure of a leader and human being on the nation. He has proven himself to be corrupt, cowardly, irresponsible, dishonest and incompetent. Yes, even moreso than a “convicted felon.”


19 thoughts on “Unethical Quote of the Month: President Joe Biden (Alternate Headline: “What a Shameless Asshole!”)

  1. He’s pressuring Israel to back off of the destruction of Hamas because Democrats are hemorrhaging Muslim voters and he’ll lose more Muslim voters by supporting one of our only stable democratic friends in the Middle East than he’ll lose Jewish voters by telling Israel to stop.

    Democrats are hemorrhaging voters because of the *disastrous border policy and so he’s pretending to back track here and relying on the Democrat propaganda machine to back his play.

    Democrats are hemorrhaging voters because of the economy and prices – so they’re crippling the strategic reserve to lower fuel prices (and it isn’t working).

    Democrats are hemorrhaging voters because of the totalitarian destruction of the judicial system to persecute an opposition party member. This is the one that scares me – I don’t think they’ll backtrack here – they’ll only double down.

    Democrats are wrecking policies and this nation to cling to power.

    • Perhaps. Or perhaps the ACLU was in on the game prior to the announcement, with a clear understanding that it was expected to challenge the EO as soon as it was issued, so that nothing would change. Couldn’t be that, could it?

      • But AIM, no Republican federal judge would enjoin it, and certainly no Democrat judge would go against a Biden Administration executive order. I just don’t see the ACLU getting much traction in terms of quickly screwing things up.

        • You could make a case either way. Republicans might sue because this was a halfway measure and because it might swing things in Biden’s direction in November.

          Democrats might sue because they don’t feel immigration should be restricted.

          I mean, Republicans scuttled their own dream immigration bill a couple months ago, so let’s not underestimate anyone’s stupidity.

          • Calling it their dream immigration bill requires ignoring a lot of the details. It was arguably more border security theater instead of actually border security.

  2. A dictum of life, “once an asshole, always an asshole”

    I propose this was a response to the horrible post “TRIAL OF THE CENTURY” polls.

    Another dictum, ” you can fool all the peopel some of the time, some of the people all the time but you cant fool all the people all the time.”

    • Are biden’s sunglasses for communicating his manliness, or for some kind of eye sensativity due to injections of whatever keeps him going?

        • My thoughts on the aviator glasses as well. What’s an 80-year-old doing wearing aviator glasses? In 2024? He really thinks they’re cool? And that he should look “cool?” Dear God, what an overgrown teenager.

  3. Unless this is a different executive order, then he really isn’t doing anything of the sort. The EO calls for curtailing asylum for illegal border crosses after the first 2500 each day.

    So while he certainly intends for it to sound as if he’s securing the border, in fact he’s basically guaranteeing amnesty for nearly a million illegal aliens per year, not counting “got aways” and undetected crossings.

  4. This executive order does nothing to stem the flow of migrants.

    The order still allows 2500 adults to cross and request asylum without going to a port of entry.

    Unaccompanied minors are exempt from that number.

    Cubans, Haitians and Venezuelans can fly into our airports without visas and request asylum

    All anyone has to do is use the app DHS has created present themselves at a port of entry and request asylum and they will be paroled to the interior.

    For Biden to call this shutting down the border is just like the lie that he has been trying to clamp down on illegal immigration but those mean Republicans are stopping him.

    Biden has never found a lie he would not tell if he would benefit from telling it.

  5. I am not one to use obscenity when posting (or speaking or writing in general), but because I am quoting…

    One of our new commenters, Prof. Jeremy Mayer, referred to the Trump Administration as a “daily shitshow” when compared with President Biden’s. I would argue that the media has worked extremely hard to make things look as they did (and do)…for both Presidents, but that’s not the point of this. Rather…

    Given that President Biden has waffled (and then collapsed) on Afghanistan, has swung like a pendulum with regards to support for Israel’s war against Hamas, has swung like an even bigger pendulum on supporting terrorism in its Hamas form, has been almost completely absent – except for some toothless muttering – with regards to the economy, food & fuel prices, and supply-chain issues, and is now swinging to the “getting tough” side of the illegal immigration issue after years of fumbling out partially coherent sentences that favor mass law-breaking by citizens of other countries…

    …I would like to suggest the Professor either rethink his definition of a “shitshow” or apply it as liberally to this Administration as he has the previous.

    • “I would argue that the media has worked extremely hard to make things look as they did (and do)”

      Correct and Bill Maher has mentioned a desire not to return to the “chaos” of the Trump years, without acknowledging that it was largely the Democrats and their allies in the news media and the entertainment industry that made it as chaotic as it was. When you put public pressure on competent people not to take administration jobs, when you bog down the administration with endless investigations, when you encourage harassment of administration officials, when you report rumors as fact, when you make headline news out of minor flubs, dumb tweets and silly walks, you are estopped from complaining about chaos. They helped create the chaos because that’s what they wanted.

  6. An estimated 2.5 illegals have entered the country across this “secure border.”

    Jeez, what does Bidan have against this small family (Sorry Jack, couldn’t resist).

  7. “[Joe Biden’s] integrity and … the courage of his convictions.” Hahahahaha.

    I’m sorry, that’s the funniest thing I’ve read in who knows how long.

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