Now THIS Is Pandering…

Ugh. These are not the only corporations playing this dishonest and cynical game, as you know. There are so many ethics alarms this junk sets off it’s difficult for me to keep the clanging straight–oooh, can I still say “straight”?

1. The robotic response of companies and organizations falling into lockstep during “Pride Month” (and Black History Month, and…yada yada) has the stench of forced speech about it, like everyone flying swastikas in 1930s Germany. Are the companies afraid not to demonstrate the mandated rainbow obeisance? What does BP have to do with sexual orientations and non-standard sexual practices? Why should a company like that have any input into the conversation at all? Shut up and drill.

2. These phony gestures also indicate obedient mass participation in cultural propaganda and indoctrination. It is an abuse of power and influence, and it doesn’t matter whether the organizations are endorsing kittens or cannibalism. I feel my arm being twisted. I resent it.

3. If these rainbow logos really represented the companies’ values, then they wouldn’t hide them in nations where intolerance reigns. In fact, those are the cultures where the advocacy is most needed and might do the most good.

The bottom line, as those companies’ VPs might say, is that their management and ownership have no genuine values, other than the desire to make money. That’s fine: capitalism works, and the profit motive makes it work, but these facile, empty gestures should be reminders to all that the pandering organizations cannot be trusted or believed whether they are lining up to bow to BLM, DEI, #MeToo, the stupid Wuhan lockdown, or whatever the latest woke fad of the moment happens to be.

2 thoughts on “Now THIS Is Pandering…

  1. Our son will enter his junior year at Texas A&M this Fall. He is doing a summer internship with a large, nationwide finance consulting firm. Last week, he attended their intern orientation program, consisting of three days of DEI indoctrination. No coward he, he pointed out problems with DEI, especially speech codes. He asked if all beliefs or feelings should be respected. They agreed. Then, he asked if racist beliefs should be respected. “Oh no,” they cried, declaring that such expressions would create a hostile work environment. Then, he asked, if “hostile work environment” was the controlling factor. The moderators said it was. So, he asked if DEI initiatives made him uncomfortable, would those initiatives create a hostile work environment. Then moderators didn’t have any answer.


    • That’s a great anecdote…I love these kinds of stories and they’re encouraging to read. A Happy Father’s Day to you…it appears your son has picked up at least some of your good training and is putting it to good use.

      And a Happy Father’s Day to Jack and all the other dads that help make this world a better place!

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