No, Doctors, “Do No Harm” Does Not Mean “Make Anti-Israel/Gaza War Statements in Your Hospital”…

We knew, or should have, that the medical profession was not immune from the ethics rot brought upon us by the advent of The George Floyd Freakout, the 2016 Post-Election Ethics Train Wreck, The Great Stupid (and its DEI sub-cult) and the rest. Here is a throbbing example.

At the University of California, San Francisco, one of the nation’s most respected medical schools and teaching hospitals, medical students and doctors have been protesting the war in Gaza. Chants of “intifada, intifada, long live intifada!” could be heard by patients in their hospital rooms at the U.C.S.F. Medical Center. It doesn’t really matter what the chants were: they could bebeen “Hey, hey, LBJ, how many kids did you kill today?” (one of my personal favorites.) Medical personnel should never promote political views in a hospital. Why isn’t that obvious?

The New York Times reports, “Doctors [at the hospital] have feuded over whether it is appropriate to openly express feelings about the war within the healing confines of a hospital. In interviews, several Jewish doctors said they had taken an oath to “do no harm,” and that meant keeping politics separate from the care of their patients….But some doctors said they interpreted “do no harm” in a different way, feeling a moral obligation to speak out against the killing of doctors and patients in Gaza where Israeli strikes have struck hospitals. And they said that as a medical community, it was important for U.C.S.F. to take a stand against the war and call for a cease-fire.”

[Aside: “Israeli strikes have struck hospitals” is misleading, and knowing the Times, I would guess intentionally so. I followed that link to three other articles: none show that the damage to hospitals has been deliberate, but rather the natural consequence of being in harm’s way after your region starts a war with an ambush terrorist attack on civilians, as well as the Hamas use of civilian structures as shields for its operations. Nevertheless, the Times slant is sympathetic to the Hamas version of events.]

The argument that “Do no harm,” the famous section of the Hippocratic Oath, compels medical professionals to take political positions is disingenuous. “Do no harm” means not engaging in any professional conduct that harms or might harm patients. A doctor mixing politics and protests with treatment is placing his or her own interests over those of those whose care is supposed to be his sole professional priority. It can undermine trust, which is essential for professionals to fulfill their mission. “People are coming here for chemotherapy. They have dire illnesses,” one Jewish doctor at the hospital told the Times. “When that chant goes up and is heard in the patient care rooms, which it clearly was, it’s a violation of our professional obligations as health care providers.”

Sure it is. Participating in protests in a hospital is unethical; a doctor inflicting his or her political views on patients is unethical. But lawyers, scholars, ethicists, scientists, journalists and every other professional group has thoroughly disgraced itself with unprofessional conduct in recent years, so doctors joining the club was inevitable.

One telling section of the article reads, “U.C.S.F. has a dress code prohibiting political symbols in patient care settings, but ….staff members for years have worn pins supporting abortion rights, Black Lives Matter and the L.G.B.T.Q. community without repercussions.” And what is happening now is why that dress code was essential to maintaining professional standards at the hospital to ensure the welfare of patients, and why failing to enforce it regardless of what position or cause was being promoted was irresponsible and incompetent.

9 thoughts on “No, Doctors, “Do No Harm” Does Not Mean “Make Anti-Israel/Gaza War Statements in Your Hospital”…

  1. If I were Jewish and needed medical treatment, I would not want to be treated at a hospital which openly dissed my religion and the country where some of my relatives might be living. (Just like how I as a Catholic would question the integrity of medical staff wearing pro-abortion pins in full view of patients at the local Catholic hospital in my county.)

  2. Obviously, there is a group of poorly educated physicians at U.C.S.F. and possibly at other hospitals. The medical profession has fallen in numerous areas. Requirements anymore are substandard, which places the patient in danger.
    It’s crucial to understand when such language is used, whether the patient is an inpatient or outpatient, it can significantly raise their blood pressure, endangering their heart. This is just one example of the potential harm that can result from listening to negative conversations.
    Obviously, the medical staff members’ knowledge has fallen greatly, as have the C.E.Os running the daily routines.

  3. And, when policies are not enforced, they are meaningless. Of course, the dress code would be enforced if a button were anti-abortion or some other side of a social issue that the hospital’s higher-ups oppose. But we all know that.

      • As opposed to folks who now say the crew of the USS Finback should have thrown a certain very young Navy pilot back into the drink or they wish that pilot’s son had choked to death on a pretzel. Somehow that’s funny and witty, but if you say something about another president with a roving eye being beaten up by a jealous husband or the current sniffer-in-chief being left to find his teeth by a righteous father…not funny.

  4. Chants aising in hospital rooms and facilities, oh my. In days of yore everry hospital, on every floor had a poster with a stern looking nurse, finger to her lips, proclaiming Shhh!. Hospitals are suppose to be quiet zones for treatment, rest, and recovery. Someone at UCSF needs to dust off those posters.

  5. Here is an interesting reply on an article posted on the usenet newsgroup soc.culture.israel.

    Israel is not doing anything to Gaza that the Allies have not done
    to Germany and Japan during the first half of the 1940’s.

    — Me

    I like when Jews and their shabbos goys are making this argument, because
    they walk on very thin ice. It don’t take a genius to ask “Wait a sec, if
    Israel commits genocide and atrocities, then what we were doing to Germany
    and Japan are also genocide and atrocities.” And from there there is only
    one logical conclusion to understand that we were lied to by our elites
    about Germans and Japanese to justify what we were doing to them.
    Especially in case of Germans. People like to think that they are on the
    side of goodness, they are good guys and their enemies are evil and deserve
    everything they get, but the truth is, we are constantly being lied to.
    They lie about rapes committed by Hamas, beheaded babies and babies in
    ovens same as they lied about WMDs in Iraq, infants thrown out of
    incubators by Iraqi soldiers, et cetera, et cetera.

    But we are constantly told by the same people that what they told us about
    the biggest, most important war that shaped the world as we know it is 100%
    crystal clear truth. Of course, it don’t take much brain to figure out that
    the biggest lies were probably about the biggest war. And once people start
    to ask questions about that, once they’ll start actually looking into it,
    double checking what they’re told, and drawing parallels between false
    stories about Palestinians and Holocaust…

    This is why they made it literally illegal to question Holocaust in Europe,
    and even in USA where you supposedly have “freedom of speech” you’ll get
    into a lot of troubles for pointing out some things and asking certain

    For those who like conspiracy theories – do you know what’s the easiest way
    to check if some theory is true? It’s true if you get into troubles for
    saying it. You can say that we’re ruled by reptilians all day long, you can
    repeat bullshit about flat earth as long as you want, but try to say that
    Holocaust is fake and you’ll see what happens. “Freedom of speech” my ass.

    — D. Ray

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