Yeah, I Think It’s Fair To Say That Tricking a Guy into Having Sex-Change Surgery So You Can Marry the New Her and Gain Control of Her Family’s Property is Unethical….

As weird as things have gotten in the U.S., much weirder stuff goes on abroad, and I ignore most of it. This story, however, requires that attention be paid.

Mujahid, a 20-year-old from Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh–that’s India—claims a hospital staff performed a sex change operation on him without his consent. A man named Omprakash, the alleged victim claims, had been harassing him for years and deceived him into believing that he was suffering from a serious medical condition. He then offered to take him to Mansoorpur hospital, where he was sedated and then operated on. “He brought me here, and the next morning I had an operation. When I regained consciousness, I was told that I had been changed from a boy to a girl!” a sobbing Mujahid told NDTV reporters. “When I woke up, Omprakash told me that I am a woman now and that he would take me to Lucknow to marry me. He threatened to kill my father if I resisted.”

Yeah, definitely unethical, in my expert opinion.

Mujahid says this was an elaborate plot by Omprakash to marry him so he could legally get access to his family’s valuable land holdings. He also accuses the doctors at Begrajpur Medical College of being in league with Omprakash, although the staff there denies this, claiming that he underwent the sex change voluntarily.

Well, somebody’s unethical. Mujahid’s serious medical condition may be that he’s a idiot, and really needed a brain transplant. Why, for example, did he let someone who had been “harassing him” take him to the hospital?

More from the involuntary transsexual: “He said, ‘I changed you from a man to a woman and now you have to live with me. I have prepared a lawyer and a court marriage for you….Now I will shoot your father and the land of your share will be named after me and then I will sell it and go to Lucknow.”

Based on Mujahid’s accusations (and the fact that he’s, ah, missing some parts), the local police opened an investigation and arrested Omprakash, who also denies everything. The hospital staff is under investigation as well.

Maybe everyone involved is part of a conspiracy to sell this story to Bollywood, or Hollywood, or Netflix. A good screenwriter could go wild with this material. Maybe the adaptation has a happy ending with the odd couple falling in love. Maybe Mujahid goes to Penn and becomes the NCAA female swimming champ. Maybe the final scene shows a smiling Mujahid on a Bud Light bottle. Or has her being crowned as Miss Maryland.

But clearly, someone has been very unethical. At least.

3 thoughts on “Yeah, I Think It’s Fair To Say That Tricking a Guy into Having Sex-Change Surgery So You Can Marry the New Her and Gain Control of Her Family’s Property is Unethical….

  1. I once saw on YouTube a parody critique of Bollywood movies where the female lead of a film was supposed to be a super-smart scientist, yet no one paid attention to her until she started acting like the stereotypical Bollywood “love interest”, and broke into a song and dance. The news report you cited sounds like a parody of that parody! And I can easily imagine it being turned into a Bollywood movie,


    Ok, I fell down the rabbit hole on this one. I’m not sure the gateway question of “What the hell is going on?” cam be answered.

    On the one hand, it seems reasonably clear a sex-change surgery occurred. Circumstantial evidence seems to show it was not voluntary, including claiming surprise, needing to use a staff member’s phone to call his parents.

    On the other, the hospital claims he visited several times for consults regarding the surgery, and got assessed by two psychiatric professionals who signed off. The hospital also claims to have a video documenting his stated desire for the surgery.

    The only thing for sure is that this either and unethical involuntary surgery and blackmail, or an unethical act of revenge after regretting the surgery. It might also be revenge for the blackmail while scheming to get a free voluntary surgery.

    What is happening??? Why is any of this happening???

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