Unethical Website Of The Month: ShipYourEnemiesGlitter.com.

glitter bomb

This is another revenge site. Some will ship your enemies poo; ShipYourEnemiesGlitter sends glitter bombs. The site’s approach is fresh: it adopts a pugnacious, “yeah, we’re horrible, but so what?” tone that would be amusing if it wasn’t attached to an indefensible service. A sample:

“…so here’s the deal: there’s someone in your life right now who you fucking hate. Whether it be your shitty neighbour, a family member or that bitch Amy down the road who thinks it’s cool to invite you to High Tea but not provide any weed.So pay us money, provide an address anywhere in the world & we’ll send them so much glitter in an envelope that they’ll be finding that shit everywhere for weeks. We’ll also include a note telling the person exactly why they’re receiving this terrible gift. Hint: the glitter will be mixed in with the note thus increasing maximum spillage.”


The business owner’s parents must be so proud.


Pointer: Instapundit

21 thoughts on “Unethical Website Of The Month: ShipYourEnemiesGlitter.com.

    • Arg…
      “If hiring a hit man to commit murder is illegal, how then is not hiring a hit man to commit vandalism not also illegal (or at least should be)? And this is a form of vandalism.”

    • I’m fairly confident that this is illegal, actually. Would need to check the relevant (federal) statutes and figure out the details of where they’re based to be sure, however.

  1. I find it amusing, as a gag between friends I see nothing unethical, as a form of harassment as the site implies is the intent unethical. ….

  2. I’m starting to believe that, as an Ethics Alarm, if I like it it’s unethical. We are having a remarkably involved city incorporation/home owners fiasco right now, and this actually appealed to me as something to do to the instigator. In my own defense, I won’t, but God it’s tempting.

  3. For a while it was a tactic the gay rights movement used on those who didn’t agree with them, so it was viewed as an act for equal rights, etc. Now it’s gone mainstream.

      • No its not like that at all, although it sucks to clean up, kind of the point, it causes no lasting damage. Having been a victim of 1.5lbs of glitter fired from an air cannon positioned in the drop down ceiling into my office and having perpetuated several glitter attacks myself I can tell you from experience that attacking someone with glitter is nothing like dumping paint, acid or other damaging substances on a fur owner.

        Now I am not an artistic type as it pertains to acting/music, explosives and weapons are another story, but I have family and friends who are and most are practical jokers, in your circle no one enjoys practical jokes?

        Is it the use of the glitter that makes it offensive? Are all practical jokes unethical?

        I readily admit I am an ass hole but am I an unethical asshole because I enjoy a good practical joke?

        • But this topic isn’t about practical jokes…it’s about vandalism by proxy bordering on assault, certainly in the realm of harassment…

          Practical jokes? I’d say it depends entirely on the relationship between the joker and the jokee as to whether or not they are ethical.

          • Read my first statement I didn’t disagree.

            Harassment yes, assault is a stretch, in this day an age hurt feelings maybe not a huge stretch, but the level of covering someone with a chemical, no. Which is not to say it would be ethical.

            When was it passed that we must stay on topic and not talk about related ethical issues?

            • Someone said we had to stay on topic? Not me.

              My mistake. I misread your transition in topics. It really looked like you further discussed the use of glitter in glitter based attacks and then posited the question “what’s wrong with practical jokes?”

              I misread that as you calling the glitter revenge mailings as mere “practical jokes” and then posed the question generalizing “then are all practical jokes unethical?”

              • No problem, I should have quoted Jack to be clear it was in response to his comment that doing it was always unethical and an asshole move no matter what the cause. I wasn’t sure if “cause” included practical jokes or cause as in to further or bring attention to one’s plight. His “speechless” reply makes me think he includes practical jokes.

                • Practical jokes are done in fun to those who one knows will appreciate the humor. The website specifically says it sends glitter to “enemies” and for ill will, to annoy or harm. Intentionally annoying or harming is unethical, always. Can I imagine a glitter bomb that isn’t unethical? Sure. Sending one to Steve right now, for example. Or to someone who actually likes the stuff. There are always exceptions.

      • I agree, it surely is. That being said, it’s also quite tempting in a way that throwing paint is not. I’m thinking of my HOA president who wants to count an abstention as a yes vote so he can claim to meet the requirements of a quorum.

  4. I want to be a victim of one of this site’s customers, so I can sue the glitter manufacturer, collect a hefty sum, and retire. I could sue the perps too, but that would be too tit-for-tat-for-tit-for-tat.

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