In An Unethical NYT Feature Designed For Scaremongering And To Make Readers Feel Miserable, One Unethical Statement Shines With Special Glare…

…and it’s this one, from an Arizona 25-year-old who had been looking forward to a “hot girl” summer:

“I feel like women have to be more careful and more selective now in who they have intercourse with. If something happens with your birth control or your condom breaks, this potentially could be a partner stuck in your life forever because now you have to raise a child together.” 

Amazingly, this isn’t the dumbest or even necessarily most offensive of  the quotes from those interviewed in “Sorry, Summer,” an outrageously contrived lament authored by Times reporter

1. It perfectly illustrates the callousness and casualness with which many women shrug off the nascent life an abortion sacrifices in order for them to seek random, careless and promiscuous sex without consequences.

2. The statement shows how an insulted peer group and echo chamber can make one comfortable revealing ugly and self-centered attitudes that should trigger examination, doubt and self-reflection.

3. Her feared consequences are simply not true. Abortions will be available for the foreseeable future. Unless she eschews other options, like adoption, she will not be forced into having a  “forever” life partner she doesn’t want.

4. She will need to take more precautions than she apparently had been taking, and that she should have been taking anyway.

5. In other words, she still has many, many choices. And if she’s devoted to killing her fetus, she can still make that choice as well.

This, I believe, is a typical participant in the current pro-abortion freakout. That was not the reason she was featured, however. It was because she doesn’t expect to have “fun” this summer.

One piece of illumination from this garbage article is that the Times really is joining the media effort to knee-cap Joe Biden. Representing everything in the U.S. as going straight to Hell (See #5, here) was part of the mainstream media’s “Get Trump!” strategy, and now it is using it on Joe.

As for the rest of the “Sorry, Summer” hysterics, fools, a emotional cripples, we have….

  • Timothy Hale, the 29-year-old hairstylist and freelance photographer, who is worried about monkey pox. The disease appears to be especially likely to be contracted by gay men who are, like Sarah, indiscriminate in their intimate encounters. He’s also worried because Clarence Thomas’s outlier Dobbs concurrence suggests that he’d like to reverse Obergefell, the SCOTUS case that declared that states could not ban gay marriage. Those who pay attention have known that for seven years. Those who understand the law, the Court and the relevant opinions know that Thomas’s dream has as much of a chance of coming true John Lennon’s.

  • Laurel Niedospial, 37, a stay-at-home mother in Oak Park, Illinois, is now afraid to go anywhere in public because of the July 4 Highland Park shooting. “Even now going to the beach just feels so exposed, and with two children of disparate abilities, my biggest fear is that I wouldn’t be able to save them both,” she tells the reporter. “There’s no vacation from our reality.” Right. All those beach shootings. The Times and its cohorts have turned the woman into a fearful, sniveling agoraphobe. Nice.
  • Becca Near, 31, who works in development for the St. Louis Zoo,is similarly irrationally terrified of her children being shot: she worries about snipers. She’s also convinced that St. Louis is going to be “too hot” this summer, unlike all those other summers when the temperature topped 100 not infrequently.
  • I think my favorite might be Reginald Ajaa, 34, a health care administrator and TikTok influencer in Los Angeles. He’s upset that travel is too expensive: he had two trips planned with his fiancée: one to Dubai and one to Cancún, Mexico. But when he went to book tickets, he decided they were too expensive. I know it always ruins my summer when I can’t get to Dubai and Cancun.
  • Or maybe my favorite tragic story is that of Whitney Claflin, 39, a painter living on the Lower East Side of NYC who now vapes with Juul since she quit smoking cigarettes. The Food and Drug Administration announced a sales ban on the device in June, so her summer is just ruined. Never mind that an appeal is underway and the product is still on shelves, probably for months or longer.

Clearly, was stretching especially hard with this one.

What’s going on here? I think it is likely that the Times is pivoting to try to ramp up fears and anxiety, but in its favored directions. Restrictions on “choice”! Pandemic(s): Mask up! Better get ready for the next lockdown and mail-in ballots! Climate change! “Do something” about guns!

I admit, the travel costs bit and especially the vaping don’t fit; they were also the most absurd of the “Everything is terrible!” complaints—except for


Pointer: Other Bill


16 thoughts on “In An Unethical NYT Feature Designed For Scaremongering And To Make Readers Feel Miserable, One Unethical Statement Shines With Special Glare…

    • I admit, the travel costs bit and especially the vaping don’t fit; they were also the most absurd of the “Everything is terrible!” complaints

      They have to throw random noise in to confuse the masses so that theirstrategy isn’t too nakedly obvious.

  1. Regarding Sarah Molina, I sincerely hope she is successful in her quest not to become pregnant. Given her apparently defective moral and ethical compasses she would be performing a precious public service by not reproducing and raising a child.

    As for the other lamenters, each seems to have been indoctrinated into the progressive’s quest to embrace victimhood. My experience is that a person cannot always make themselves as happy as they want but they can make themselves as unhappy as they want. The key to constructing pity pots is focusing on the negatives in life and viewing yourself as a victim. Progressives need victims so they can paint a person or group as evil and then offer up societal controls and saviors.

  2. Of course, all of these folks are young or gay or some other kind of minority. People who lived through the real tough times like the Depression or WW2 and knew how to ride things out when they’re less than wonderful are becoming few in number. People who lived through the 50s and 60s and saw things get better, while knowing what they had been, are not as few yet. People born after 1990, who’ve never known anything but almost unlimited prosperity, are becoming the dominant type. Those folks seem to be very weak on resiliency and adaptability. They also have been conditioned to believe that this country is full of white supremacist men who just can’t wait to slam gay people back in the closet and throw women back into the kitchen.

    Look, the fact is that tough times happen, and sometimes things happen that we didn’t see coming and weren’t 100% ready for. Covid was one of those. It could have been handled better, but folks like Deborah Birx chose to make overreacting national policy and other folks like Andrew Cuomo chose to weaponize it for political gain. So we suffered, but now we might finally be coming out of it. The thing to do is keep moving forward, not lament what’s behind. The fact that the SCOTUS overturned a decision that was badly written in the first place does not qualify as a “tough time.”

    Sarah Molina is 25 and “newly single.” The summer I was 25 I was studying for the bar, and so were a lot of other folks, more than a few of whom were uncertain what was next. A lot of other college classmates were then knee-deep in the clinical portion of medical school. Still more had at least one more year to go on commitments to the military. Then there were those who’d started families relatively early and were trying to navigate life with their first newborns or toddlers, which is often downright scary as well as messy and sleepless. We’d moved waaaaaay past that undergraduate mentality of party, party, party, screw, screw, screw, care about almost nothing else. She needs to reevaluate where she is in life and exactly where she wants to be a few years down the road. Bouncing around the bed with whoever like a cheap Manila whore when the fleet’s in isn’t likely to get her too far.

  3. Pardon my antiquity but I always thought that engaging in sexual intercourse was a privelege exchanged between two consenting responsible adults.I never understood it to be my right to fuck whomever I want, whenever I want,however I want, wherever I want. Where did I go wrong?

  4. The answer to Miss Molina’s letter should have gone something like “If your grandmother is still alive, she would like a word with you. If not, that whirring sound you hear is her spinning in her grave.”

  5. The Declaration of Independence has long ago been re-written to provide that the government exists to provide “life (i.e., disease free and nearly eternal) liberty (from having to do anything oneself) and (assured, limitless) happiness (in any way of life I choose, without my having to pursue anything).” That’s the government’s job.

  6. I too am beginning to think the media and the Democratic establishment have indeed decided to somehow make Joe walk the plank. The amazing thing is he’s being pushed off the boat because he’s not doing enough crazy things. They don’t want to make any sort of course correction to minimize the mistakes they’ve been making; they want someone like Pete Butegig in charge to print more money and make gas more expensive and let more illegals into the country and decarcerate more criminals and further hamstring the energy industry asap. The mind boggles. The lunatics in Park Slope and in the NYT newsroom really are running things. It’s the Kiddie Corps or The Children’s Crusade.

    • Hahaha, no. Worst case for a guy is she turns out to be Peyton from The Hand that Rocks the Cradle.or Meredith from Disclosure.

  7. Am I the only one who thinks the quote itself is advice all young people should be given? Now, I realize that she said this so people would feel sorry for her and to illustrate (in her mind) how unfair abortion restrictions are. However, I feel the words and the concept are sound. The purpose of sex is procreation, not to have fun, not to feel empowered. Yes, you can use it other ways, but its function is procreation and this is not a trivial thing. When you engage in an act intended for procreation, sometimes there will be procreation no matter how good the precautions. This is why all cultures built up customs and prohibitions around sex. Why would it be a bad thing for people to start taking sex seriously again? Who thinks they can mandate that sex be trivial and without consequences? A lot of people thought abortion did that, but it really just passed the consequences to a person they assigned lesser importance to.

    I know a lot of adults who would be a lot better off if they had heeded those words. Worse, there are a lot of children whose entire lives are defined by that situation.

    If you and your friends put on body armor and routinely shoot each other because you think it is fun, you better be prepared to deal with a dead body or two eventually. If you want to routinely have sex because you think it is fun, you better be prepared to deal with a pregnancy or two eventually.

  8. I’m going to indulge in a get-off-my-lawn moment here. Back in the 90s, edgy prime time show 90210 made it a Big Deal that one of the main characters was losing her virginity. Today that’d be laughed at by “sophisticated” high schoolers describing graphically stuff they’ve seen in person at their middle school. Things that can’t continue won’t and it pains me that is where our society is headed now.

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