Unethical (and Stupid) Quote of the Month: President Biden

“I condemn the antisemitic protests.That’s why I have set up a program to deal with that. I also condemn those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians.”

—President Joe Biden answering a shouted question at an Earth Day event at Prince William Forest Park in Triangle, Virginia outside Washington, DC.

Joe Biden saying something stupid, incomprehensible or dishonest is a virtually daily occurrence, but some of his statements have significant consequences, taking them out of Julie Principle territory. This one continues his astounding effort to try to pander to both sides of the Hamas-Israel conflict and their respective supporters simultaneously. It is such an obviously impossible and indefensible mission that it’s amazing that there is anyone who isn’t disgusted and insulted by it, for it is predicated on the belief that everyone is even dumber than Joe.

To be fair, the standard blather by Democrats and college presidents trying to talk their way out of the ethics zugzwang their irresponsible ideology and proclivities have spawned is almost as nauseating. “We condemn anti-Semitism on campus, but support the right of students to peacefully demonstrate in support of the people who hate Jews and want to wipe Israel and Jews off the face of the earth.” That is a fair representation of what I just heard some double-talking Democratic Congressman say on Fox News; he also said that Biden’s statement above was “clear” and “strong.” That assertion is Rationalization #64, “It isn’t what it is,” carried to the point of gaslighting. How is Biden’s statement clear or strong?

I understand what is happening to the Palestinians: does the President? They elected a terrorist organization as their government, supported it as it launched missiles into Israel for years, cheered as it broke a “ceasefire” with a horrifying terrorist attack on Jewish civilians on October 7 in which they raped, murdered and took hostages, found themselves in a war that the people they elected began, still support those murderers—terrorists—and still support their objective—killing Jews. As a result of their own actions and those of their agents, Gazans find themselves suffering in a war that its government chooses to fight using Palestinian citizens as human shields.

That’s “what’s happening to the Palestinians,” it is entirely their own fault, and seeking to help them out of their self-created hell is the equivalent of supporting Hamas and its mission as much as the Palestinians do. One cannot support the Palestinians without having that support extend to Hamas, and supporting Hamas is anti-Semitic by definition.

As a special unethical bonus to Biden’s “the sky is blue and the sky is not blue” clear as mud gibberish, that claim that he’s “set up a program to deal with that” is typical Biden nonsense. How can any program from a pandering and equivocating President who both supports and deplores anti-Semitism simultaneously deal with “that”? It’s like his falsely labeled anti-inflation bill, which did nothing to reduce inflation.

I have to also note that one of his companions at the event was Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, whose “knows what she’s talking about” to “number of public statements” ratio might be the worst in Congress—well, maybe except for Marjorie Taylor-Greene. Biden said, he really did, “I learned a long time ago, listen to that lady.”

Oh…an unsurprising mainstream media bias illustration: the deceptively named Independent story about the statement is headlined, “Biden condemns antisemitism at university demonstrations amid campus arrests.” Pure deceit and misdirection. Of course his statement seems “clear” and “strong” if you leave out the part than makes it ambiguous and weak. Nah, there’s no mainstream media bias!

6 thoughts on “Unethical (and Stupid) Quote of the Month: President Biden

  1. You cannot fight a war while sitting on the fence. Make no mistake, what is happening in Israel and the surrounding region is our war, as well as the war of all Western democracies.

  2. The key to power and riches is to invest in weapons of war and enact policies that keep the fight going until you have to fight with your sons and daughters. Then wait for another generation to become large enough and old enough to start a new feud. 
    When the Congressman stated that funding Ukraine was good for our economy he said the quiet part out loud.

    Every soldier on either side has a family and we need to think long and hard about turning young men into pink mist. But if you must fight use overwhelming force to end it quickly.

  3. Did I just hear him say that three are some “very fine people” on both sides of the protest line?

    I won’t hold my breath waiting for the media to repeat endlessly that he’s never denounced his racist supporters.

  4. I have to remember that by calling out Biden’s mealy-mouthed quasi-denunciation is not to instruct Biden that his stance and actions are unethical. Rather, it is to educate anyone who thinks Biden’s words are reasonable just how unethical the administration is behaving.

    I think there are certain things that need to be understood, and the left, especially progressives, don’t seem to understand it. Even if Israel has been guilty of numerous infractions that have riled the Palestinians, the Palestinians have revealed themselves to be a rabid dog. Once you have a rabid dog, it doesn’t matter how it became rabid: it has to be put down. Now, if anyone can reasonably demonstrate that Israel is culpable for the Palestinian mouth-frothing madness, then Israel should be held accountable for it. But the rabid dog still has to be put down.

    It is the same situation for crime and criminals. You can certainly hold people accountable for driving others to crime, but once a crime has been committed, then the criminal needs to be punished. Otherwise there is no rule of law. If genocidal hatred is allowed to kill, rape, maim, butcher, and defile with impunity, it only reinforces those heinous actions. This isn’t a situation where “now that they got it out of their system, everything will calm back down.” No, this rot has taken so deep a hold that it has to be expunged lest it infect others.

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