Not Exactly An Ethics Hero (Recovering Ethics Dunce, Maybe?): Comedy Central’s The Daily Show

Look! The Daily Show is finally choosing to mercilessly mock not just absurd Democrats, but even absurd Democrats of color! See?

Well paint me blue and call me Smurphy! True, it only took almost four years, and a Republican with such rhetorical handicaps and brain fog would have been skewered weekly, indeed daily, by all of the Axis-allied comedy shows. Think of Dan Quayle, or David Letterman’s nightly mockery of George W. Bush, and Trump, of course. Late night TV has left a lot of big laughs on the metaphorical table, but it was worth it, the writers and comics concluded—“it” being to divide the nation, insult half of all potential viewers, and abandon their supposed mission of being as funny as possible without playing favorites, and politics be damned—to “get Trump” and make the world safe for Woke Fascism.

As it is an unavoidable conclusion that this strategy has been a catastrophic failure for all involved, at least one offender, Comedy Central, has decided to abandon it and belatedly take advantage of juicy targets that earlier, smarter, better, more admirable practitioners of their craft would have been bombarding for years, making the world a happier place in the process.

Well, better late than never, but that’s the faintest of praise. They’re still assholes, just not as complete assholes as the rest.

One thought on “Not Exactly An Ethics Hero (Recovering Ethics Dunce, Maybe?): Comedy Central’s The Daily Show

  1. Could it be that the Democrats are thinking that Biden may need to be replaced as candidate by someone else and no way do they want Harris to be the Presidential candidate so they have decided to show anyone that has not been playing attention that she is in no way suitable to replace Biden.

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