Note to the “Wise Latina”: There’s No Crying on the Supreme Court!

“There are days that I’ve come to my office after an announcement of a case and closed my door and cried. There have been those days. And there are likely to be more.”

Justice Sonia Sotomayor, speaking at the Radcliffe Institute at Harvard University, where she was being honored….for what, I can’t imagine.

Awww! Poor Sonja! What’s she crying about? That she’s obviously over her head on the Supreme Court with actual legal scholars and experts who can make persuasive arguments about what the law is and what the Constitution means instead of just relying on warm, fuzzy feelings and mandatory progressive sentiment? That mean old conservatives aren’t buying her “But…but…it would be nicer if we decided this way” routine?

Did Sandra Day O’Connor, when she was in the minority on a liberal majority court, ever say she just went into her office and wept when a SCOTUS vote didn’t go her way? Did Ruth Bader Ginsburg, when she was on the losing end of a 5-4 ruling? Did Scalia? No, but this Justice not only weeps over her defeats, she thinks its something to be proud of.

Sotomayor revealed that she regards emotional virtue-signalling more important than demonstrating maturity, strength, and competence. Infecting the Court with his kind of weenie-ism is the reason why it was so important to get more women on the Supreme Court? Does DEI also demand the inclusion of weenies and sops?

Sotomayor is an embarrassment, as anyone who has read any of her opinions or dissents already knows, or should. She doesn’t see her role as a judge. She’s like an emotional support social justice warrior who somehow got on the panel. (Well, not “somehow”: she was a cynical selection by Barack Obama as he pandered to three constituency groups with one bad nomination: women, Hispanics, and knee-jerk progressives.) If Sotomayor retires, as some Democrats want her to do so Biden can nominate someone better equipped to serve Woke World (as long as the new SCOTUS member also “of-color”), she could be replaced by a Golden Doodle without any noticeable drop in the Court’s intellectual resources.

But she cares, so, so much!

4 thoughts on “Note to the “Wise Latina”: There’s No Crying on the Supreme Court!

  1. I am sick to death of hearing people speaking of their “lived experience.” Who came up with that annoying term? What ever happened to “gaining experience?” Why are people without agency and simply acted upon by, I don’t know, some malign, omnipresent force?

    • Somehow, “lived experience” has acquired more authority than what used to be called “anecdotal evidence” or even “in my experience”.

      Lately people don’t seem to take any pride in being resilient or resisting victimization, either. If you aren’t a victim of something, you must be some sort of oppressor and don’t deserve consideration.

  2. C’mon. I get upset when I lose a case because the Judge disagrees with my arguments, too.
    do I cry about it? Never.
    she is one of the most powerful jurists in the U.S. one wonders how she got that far if she never learned to lose.

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