13 thoughts on “Friday Forum Open!

  1. Saw a Biden attack ad on TV last night. It quotes Trump as saying, “If I’m not elected, there will be a blood bath.” Unbelievable. Desperate times call for desperate measures, I guess.

  2. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna155620

    Is it wrong to read the list of defendants two thirds into these articles and wonder that there’s not enough diversity?

    How can a community import individuals from a region where bribes and exploiting public services are common norms and convince them it’s not the way things are done here?

    • Two Hundred Million right into their pockets. Great oversight there, Brandon. Doubtless Ilhan Omar supporters. Yep, this is diversity at its most elemental. Send us your best crooks…

  3. How can a community import individuals from a region where bribes and exploiting public services are common norms and convince them it’s not the way things are done here?

    Well, when you have a president who uses a crackhead son as bag man for millions from Chinese, Russians, Ukrainians…..

    • Interesting to read a piece from Mother Jones that’s critical of our sharp as a tack, democracy defender leader.

      Of course, that was in 2019, before he was annointed. I also found this headline rather amusing: “Joe Biden’s first campaign rally was full of Democrats Worried the party is moving too far Left”. I kid you not. Good think ole’ Joe is there to keep them straight, eh?

  4. All of a sudden, I’m received dozens of emails from the Biden Harris campaign, with their names in the ‘sender’ field in various permutations (plus some surrogates). It’s like they flipped a switch the beginning of June (and maybe they did).

    I think they are mostly solicitations, but honestly I don’t open them to see. I gather 10 or 20 at a time and mark them as Spam to gmail (and that included the lone email from Trump). I’d like to believe that marking enough of them that way might do some good, but I have doubts. Alternatively perhaps I can train Google to regard them as spam for me, much as I did Nigerian emails and the like.

    I’d encourage everyone to do the same, regardless of the campaign these come from. It’s a horrible way to run a campaign, I think. All it really does is pollute the internet, and make people resent politicians even more.

  5. If they’re being delivered by Iterable, I spent more than a year repeatedly reporting a political spam campaigner to their compliance department.

    After more than thirty iterations of this disgusting email, complaint, “let us know if it happens again” pattern, I CC’ed the compliance director and the half dozen Iterable employees I’d become acquainted with, telling them I was resigning from their position as unpaid compliance officer due to accepting a similar unpaid position as compliance officer for the FCC’s CAN-SPAM enforcement division, along with email headers and violations of the federal law spelled out for each.

    Somehow, they finally figured out how to stop sending me obnoxious political campaign emails.

  6. Take this with a grain of salt, because I have been unable to get confirmation, but…

    A couple of weeks ago, a large tornado (EF4 at this point) hit the town of Greenfield, IA, about an hour from where we live. A friend of ours (and a former next-door neighbor) grew up there and her father still lives there. She has been visiting the town to help her dad and others with clean-up and told us this week that FEMA agents had arrived and were offering assistance. She added that agents were asking three questions: 1) what is your age, 2) what is your race, and 3) what is your gender…and denying aid to townspeople depending on the answers given.

    Again, I have NOT been able to confirm this, so it might be hearsay, but our friend isn’t especially conservative-leaning (though she’s definitely not a liberal) and she’s not one to exaggerate or make things up. And given the proclivities of this Administration, it wouldn’t surprise me. I told her, “Tell townspeople to document it (with video if possible), then contact their Representative, their Senators, and the Governor and give them the facts.”

    Are there examples elsewhere of FEMA discriminating in this manner?

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