Ethics Quote of the Week: CBS’s Margaret Brennan

“What exactly do people think they are supporting?”

—“Face the Nation” host Margaret Brennan, inexplicably expressing astonishment at a the CBS poll result above.

Why isn’t this an “Unethical Quote of the Week”? I call it an ethics quote because it has both ethical and unethical implications and vibrations. For one thing, the question should be asked and answered, even if she, and civically literate citizen, should be able to figure it out. It is disturbing, and speaks of bias and incompetence, that Brennan’s tone suggested that she really didn’t know the answer. Asking the question was still the right thing to do.

The people in the majority are supporting, Margaret, the concepts, core to any nation, that laws should be obeyed, that breaking laws should have consequences, that borders should be enforced, and that those who defy our immigration laws should not benefit from doing so, meaning that they must lose the advantages and benefits their defiance has acquired for them.

What is disturbing is that only 62% comprehend this, and, apparently, Brennan doesn’t.

6 thoughts on “Ethics Quote of the Week: CBS’s Margaret Brennan

  1. This makes me think the blob in D.C. really is intent on overrunning the country with poor people from shitholes across the world so the entire populous will be completely dependent upon those in charge of the state. Income inequality will finally be addressed by making everyone poor, other than those handing out the meager goodies that will be provided. What else could she be thinking?

    • “Income inequality will finally be addressed by making everyone poor, other than those handing out the meager goodies that will be provided.”

      Absolutely, believing that government can redistribute income and wealth to achieve equity fails to consider human nature. There will always be net savers and net consumers. The more people are taught to consume because the opportunity cost of consumption falls the more consumption will occur and thus more profits will be had and the savers will be rewarded more handsomely. Over time, only a few will own anything and the rest will simply have to rent things from the owners. That is how the elite will be able to exercise control. It was Fauci who said it is well documented that if you make life difficult people will lose their ideological bullshit. If you want to want to work you will do what we tell you to do. If you want to buy food you will stop doing that which we tell you not to do.

      The Lorenz curve be damned. We don’t want equality of income distribution we want people to not own anything and love us for it. So sayeth the Davos crowd.

      This dovetails into the next post on the minimum wage.

  2. Brennan is simply fulfilling her contract albeit the unspoken part. To bank the millions this talking head is pulling down yearly, wouldn’t you be tempted to say stupid things?

    Have a nice day…😎

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