This Headline Tells You Everything You Need To Know About the Progressive Wing Of The Democratic Party…

Jamaal Bowman. This Jamaal Bowman. The lying idiot who pulled a fire alarm to stall a floor vote in the House of Representatives and flagrantly lied about it, claiming he thought the “Pull” handle on the wall was there to open the door. After security footage showed him taking down the signs that contradicted his absurd story. And this Jamaal Bowman. He’s a star in the firmament of progressive Democrats. What must the rest of the metaphorical sky look like?

Yet the story quotes Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) saying, “I cannot think of a single race that better exemplifies the battle, frankly for our democracy, between everyday people choosing their representation and big money coming in and choosing it for them.” Yes, there we have the strange progressive definition of “democracy”: a member of Congress who stoops to sabotaging a legislative vote that his forces will lose, who lies about it, and who is given The King’s Pass by colleagues like AOC when he should have been prosecuted and censured. It’s not big money making the voters’ choice easy between Bowman and his Democratic primary foe, who is trouncing him in the polls. It is the inescapable fact that Bowman is incompetent, dishonest, unprofessional, not very bright, and a Hamas ally.

Oh, the Times story, predictably, quotes Bowman as blaming his opposition on “racist MAGA Republican” donors—it’s racist, you see, to correctly designate a black member of Congress as an embarrassment even when his conduct would have any respectable elected official getting plastic surgery and a name change. Here’s Bowman’s considered assessment of the Hamas-Israel war: “I can’t stomach the bombing of children. Like, I can’t stomach it. It’s cruel. It’s inhumane. It’s evil.”

It’s war, you dummy. It’s a war that the Palestinians started, and can end any time. Here’s a graphic explanation of why your “Think of the children!” bleating is ignorant:

Jamaal Bowman is a progressive Democrat star.

That’s all anyone needs to know about progressive Democrats.

(And a President who keeps desperately pandering to them.)

11 thoughts on “This Headline Tells You Everything You Need To Know About the Progressive Wing Of The Democratic Party…

  1. Bowman can’t stomach the bombing of children, but apparently he *can* stomach the housing of legitimate military targets in and around children’s living quarters, playgrounds, schools, and medical facilities.

  2. “I can’t stomach the bombing of children. Like, I can’t stomach it. It’s cruel. It’s inhumane. It’s evil.”

    I suppose when asked about his support for abortion he’ll respond with something like, “That diffrent. They pulverized and vaccumed out. It safe and clean.”

  3. Representative Jamaal Bowman’s views on Israel have made him a top target

    Made him a target? Ah, they mean Republicans Pounce? Because when Democrats are caught doing things or holding views that are indefensible, they have to shift the framing to make it look like the act of catching is what’s predatory and wrong.

    • Yes, those “views” and statements like them are make terror attacks effective and justify their continuance as tactics of diplomacy. Bowman and Biden and every other pandering fool who enables Hamas should be called out, condemned and exposed—they almost literally have blood on their hands.

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