Regarding Those “Shocking” Poll Numbers…

OK, this should really be the lead graphic…

but Claude Rains is always welcome here because he makes me laugh, and boy do I need one today.

Over the weekend the Axis needed one, because its members were freaking out over polls by organizations that in the past (like 2020), reliably employed their unethical bias to inflate pro-Democrat Presidential race poll numbers, now showing Joe Biden substantially trailing Donald Trump. Here’s another one:

James Carville is a good stand-in for the whole amusing spectacle…

Heh. The astounding thing is that otherwise intelligent people believe Carville’s doomsday prediction, which has been essentially the only pro-Biden message Democrats have come up with for two years now (well, that and “it’s outrageous that all women can’t kill their unborn babies at will”), a pure appeal to Trump Derangement. Do I think Carville believes what he’s saying? I do not.

The polls will go up, down and sideways between now and November, but this round again reminds us that Lincoln was right: you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. Fooling people has been the Axis’s full time project since Trump won the White House in 2016, and one has to admit that it’s been effective up to a point. Facts are stubborn things, as John Adams memorably observed. The CNN poll found that “only” 36% of those polled regarded Biden’s term thus far a “success.” What could that group possibly be focusing on to call this certifiably incompetent and disastrous Presidency “successful”? Successful at what? Making the world safe for democracy? Keeping the debt within rational limits? Avoiding inflation? Protecting the Constitution? Securing the border? Treating all American equally? Maintaining the integrity of the justice system? Uniting the nation? Giving us a leader we can trust, believe, respect and know that he is completely in charge? What? What is it these strange people like so much?

Did the Democrats really think they could hide what has been happening right in front of the public’s eyes forever with spin, lies, and the assistance of unethical journalism?

The panic is palpable now, and also valuable, as the figures throwing caution to the metaphorical winds to try forestall what increasingly looks inevitable reveal just how corrupt they are. Nancy Pelosi, for example, became enraged when MSNBC’s Katy Tur deviated from the official narrative and stated the stubborn fact that job growth under Donald Trump was excellent until the idiotic national lockdown championed by Democrats and incompetent U.S. health officials. “Donald Trump has the worst record of job loss of a President. So, we just have to make sure people know,” said Pelosi. She was stunned that this obvious deceit was even too much for an MSNBC host.

“That was a global pandemic,” Tur pointed out.

“He had the worst record of any president!” Pelosi responded. “We’ve had other concerns in our country. If you want to be an apologist for Donald Trump, that may be your role, but it ain’t mine.”

“I don’t think anybody can accuse me of that,” Tur said.

Other than Tur, MSNBC propagandists were dutifully fulfilling their “role.” “Depending what happens in November, seven months from right now, this time next year I might not be sitting here,” intoned Nicolle Wallace. “There might not be a White House Correspondents’ Dinner or free press.”

Oh NOOOO! Not THAT! No Nicolle Wallace or White House Correspondents’ Dinner? Surely the threat of that will make everyone run out to vote for Joe.

John Adams might point out that there is literally no way, none, that any President could dictate who appears on MSNBC or any other network. Trump already did what he could to kneecap the clubby White House Correspondents’ Dinner when he boycotted it, as he should have.

Wallace babbled on, “While our democracy wouldn’t exactly fall apart immediately without it, the real threat looms larger. A candidate with outward disdain, not just for a free press, but for all our freedoms and for the rule of law itself.”

Pardon my vernacular, but what a crock. Trump has every reason to have disdain for the Democrats’ version of the rule of law, which includes trying to hold on to power by bringing dubious criminal charges against its primary adversary so he can’t effectively run for President. So do American voters, as they watch “good” rioters get a pass from law enforcement while bad rioters—you know, Trump supporters—get thrown in jail.

Also immune from the “rule of law”—illegal immigrants. College campus trespassers. Trump has disdain for the ashes of American journalism because of partisan hacks like Wallace and so do I; someone tell Nicolle that disdain is protected by the Bill of Rights.

Holding up the current administration as a champion of individual rights is pure gaslighting, audacious gaslighting. Insulting gaslighting. Biden’s Justice Department threatened parents attempting to get school boards to respect their views about their children’s education. His Education Department revived Obama’s directive to colleges to withhold due process rights from students (that is, men) accused of sexual harassment and assault. Second Amendment and First Amendment rights have been under siege during Biden’s term. In its suffocating embrace of “diversity,” his administration has rejected equal protection under the law, while declaring that discrimination against white men based on their skin color and y chromosomes is fair and virtuous.

This is a disastrous Presidency, indisputably so, and yet the Axis really thought nobody would notice! Abe must be chuckling in his grave.

18 thoughts on “Regarding Those “Shocking” Poll Numbers…

  1. But it’s a great economic success. The price of groceries (citing NPR) has gone up 21% over the last few years. Only 21%? How could that upset anyone trying to make it day-to-day?

  2. Did the Democrats really think they could hide what has been happening right in front of the public’s eyes forever with spin, lies, and the assistance of unethical journalism?

    You see, Jack, that’s the difference between the left-wing pundit class and people like you and me. You talk about words and messaging as describing or obscuring an underlying objective reality. I don’t think they understand there is an underlying reality. I think they really believe that their spin defines what’s real.

  3. My fear, verging on a belief, is that none of this matters. The Democrats will stuff ballot boxes in all the right states and “win” the election in the fall.

    • Well, the Rasmussen poll in which questioned people who voted by mail in 2020 was pretty depressing.

      17% said they cast a vote in a state where they are not a permanent resident

      19% said a friend or family member filled out their ballot

      21% said they filled out a ballot for someone else

      17% said they signed a ballot for someone else

      And 43% of the ballots in 2020 were mail in.

      Now, despite the reporting on the poll, that doesn’t mean voter fraud. Some places let family members fill out ballots for people who are unable to. The question is, why should that many people who can’t fill out a ballot be voting? Many places let people vote even if they aren’t a permanent resident. College students are allowed to vote at their college even though they aren’t permanent residents, but why should they be allowed to. Most of those students are double-registered. They still vote at home if they are at home and they vote at college when they are at college. Or, they can double vote.

      Now, add that to the Atlanta election case with Trump and we find that

      photocopied ballots


      ballots that were digitally altered before being counted

      reduced Trump’s vote percentage by over 8% and it resulted in more votes cast than eligible voters (not Registered, eligible). Now, if you put in the ones without signatures, etc, how many ballots were fraudulent? The audit also found that only 40% of the ballots checked were recorded correctly, so a 60% ‘error’ rate. 

      My father did some back-of-the envelope calculations and suggested that Trump needs over 80% of the vote to reach 50% because of the built-in cheating in the system.

      The category, ‘digitally altered before being counted’ is an interesting category. Who put the feature into the voting machines to alter the ballot before counting it?

      How am I supposed to trust an election when the voting system has a 60% ‘error’ rate in counting the votes?

  4. I don’t understand why the Biden administration isn’t publicizing their latest innovations to help the country.

    They are going to spend $3.5 billion on ‘migrant field offices’ in the Middle East to speed up the importation of millions of Muslim migrants (in the latest Ukraine aid bill).

    They are sending and extra couple $100 million to fund the way stations for the ‘migrant’ caravans to help them serve more people to the border.

    They just added new energy rules to the building codes that will increase the cost of a new house by ~$30,000. They payback period for the ‘improvements’ is only 90 years!

    They are trying to shut down more oil and gas production to help the environment and increase fuel costs. They also have been destroying oil refineries in Russia to further drive up prices and keep people from using fossil fuels!

    $320 million is going to build a temporary pier in Gaza that is planned to operate for 90 days. That is only $3.5 million/day.

    The Navy and the Army Corps of Engineers were both unable to handle the Baltimore bridge collapse. This demonstrates that DEI has fundamentally changed our military. In fact, there wasn’t a single company in the US capable of clearing the debris, so we hired a European company to do it. This shows the effectiveness of Biden’s elimination of that evil capitalism from the US.

    We have have had more near missed due to ATC errors than ever before. In D.C., an air traffic controller cleared 4 planes to use the same runway at the same time! This shows that the new ATC School process of asking only demographic questions instead of using a test of ATC concepts and principles has fundamentally reshaped the field!

    I can’t imagine why these shining examples aren’t being used to show America how much the Biden administration has done for America.

    • There’s a depressing link between the Gaza Pier mission and the apparent inadequacy of our maritime engineering assets to deal with the Baltimore bridge collapse.

      After the Gaza mission was announced, the US Army sent four ships, and the Navy sent three ships, to the Gaza coast to begin construction. At least three of the seven never made it. John P Bobo returned to Jacksonville due to an engine fire. Wilson Wharf is laid up in Tenerife with mechanical issues. James Loux is still in Crete, who knows why.

      • Yes, but they met their diversity targets and that is the #1 thing required for combat readiness. At least, the Supreme Court claimed that they bought that argument.

  5. I realize that polls mean very little, but Kennedy’s numbers are surprising. Is there a sense that his name on the ballot hurts President Biden more than President Trump? I would think that is the case, but is it the other way around?

    • There is that sense. But all third party candidates, with very rare exceptions, lose support when it comes down to election day. Most people haven’t paid attention to RFK jr. He’s nuts; he also has a horrible voice and is hard to listen to. In fact, all three of the “third party” types are wackos—but progressive wackos.

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